Graseby™ 2100 syringe pump

Product Description

The Graseby™ 2100 range of syringe pumps provide reliable and precise infusions for a range of clinical therapy areas. Graseby™ infusion pumps have been trusted by healthcare professionals for over 30 years.

Both pumps deliver medication as a continuous infusion at rate between 0.1 ml/h to 1200 ml/h depending on the syringe size.

If required, a preset volume to be infused (VTBI) may be programmed. The Graseby™ 2100 pump also features Body Weight programming which enables clinicians to programme using mass units where required.

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    SURGI-TECH Egypt is a leading company in the medical field in Middle East established 1990 in Egypt. we treasure dedication and moved to satisfy customers, accepting nothing less than loyalty and are committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity and to assure the quality of the products.

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