[bt_section layout=”boxed” top_spaced=”topSemiSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomSemiSpaced” skin=”dark” full_screen=”no” vertical_align=”inherit” divider=”no” back_image=”608″ back_color=”#0cb8b6″ back_video=”” video_settings=”” parallax=”” parallax_offset=”” animation=”” animation_back=”” animation_impress=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″][bt_hr top_spaced=”topExtraSmallSpaced” bottom_spaced=”not-spaced” transparent_border=”noBorder” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][/bt_hr][bt_hr top_spaced=”topExtraSmallSpaced” bottom_spaced=”not-spaced” transparent_border=”noBorder” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][/bt_hr][bt_header superheadline=”” headline=”Compliance” headline_size=”large” dash=”no” dash_style=”btNormalDash” subheadline=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][/bt_header][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section][bt_section layout=”boxed” top_spaced=”topSmallSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomSmallSpaced” skin=”inherit” full_screen=”no” vertical_align=”inherit” divider=”no” back_image=”” back_color=”” back_video=”” video_settings=”” parallax=”” parallax_offset=”” animation=”” animation_back=”” animation_impress=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″][bt_text] As a recognized leader in the musculoskeletal healthcare industry, Surgitech is committed to being a leader in the area of ethics and compliance. As part of that commitment, Surgitech has implemented a best-in-class compliance program—including well-written policies and procedures and highly dedicated and talented compliance professionals—that helps prevent and detect potential violations of applicable laws, regulations and industry codes. This website provides our customers, business partners, Team Members and the general public with information regarding the core principles of our compliance program. Hear from one of our global Team Members about the importance of leading with integrity at Surgitech. [/bt_text]

Code of Business Conduct and Ethics – Surgitech’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics reflects our shared values and commitment to ethical business practices.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Commitment – Surgitech is committed to complying with all applicable anti-bribery, anti-corruption, and anti-kickback laws in the countries where we operate and do business.

Industry Code Compliance – Surgitech’s commitment to compliance includes adherence to relevant industry codes in the countries and regions where we operate and do business.

Contacting the Compliance Hotline – If you have any concerns about potential unethical or questionable behavior, please contact us through the Compliance Hotline.

Our Global Compliance Team – Surgitech’s global Compliance team is dedicated to building and maintaining an effective compliance program of the highest standards.

[bt_text] All content herein is protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, as applicable, owned by or licensed to Surgitech or its affiliates unless otherwise indicated, and must not be redistributed, duplicated or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Surgitech. [/bt_text][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section][bt_section layout=”boxed” top_spaced=”topSmallSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomSmallSpaced” skin=”inherit” full_screen=”no” vertical_align=”inherit” divider=”no” back_image=”” back_color=”” back_video=”” video_settings=”” parallax=”” parallax_offset=”” animation=”” animation_back=”” animation_impress=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/1″][bt_header superheadline=”” headline=”Industry Code Compliance” headline_size=”medium” dash=”no” dash_style=”btNormalDash” subheadline=”” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][/bt_header][bt_text] Surgitech is committed to compliance with a variety of industry codes designed to ensure that relationships with healthcare professionals and other customers are conducted in accordance with the highest ethical standards and transparency. These codes each recognize that adherence to ethical standards and compliance with applicable laws is critical to the industry’s ability to preserve and promote its collaboration with healthcare professionals, and serve to clarify and distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate activity between healthcare professionals and companies. Without reservation, Surgitech strongly endorses both the letter and spirit of relevant industry codes for associations of which Surgitech is a member, including the following: [/bt_text][bt_hr top_spaced=”topSmallSpaced” bottom_spaced=”not-spaced” transparent_border=”noBorder” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][/bt_hr][bt_text] All content herein is protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, as applicable, owned by or licensed to Surgitech or its affiliates unless otherwise indicated, and must not be redistributed, duplicated or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Surgitech. All content herein is protected by copyright, trademarks and other intellectual property rights, as applicable, owned by or licensed to Surgitech or its affiliates unless otherwise indicated, and must not be redistributed, duplicated or disclosed, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of Surgitech. To find a doctor near you, click the ‘find-a-doc’ link. For printed information on joint replacement, call 1-800-447-5633. Talk to your surgeon about whether joint replacement or another treatment is right for you and the risks of the procedure, including the risk of implant wear, loosening or failure, and pain, swelling and infection. Surgitech does not practice medicine; only a surgeon can answer your questions regarding your individual symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. [/bt_text][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section][bt_section layout=”boxed” top_spaced=”topSmallSpaced” bottom_spaced=”bottomSmallSpaced” skin=”inherit” full_screen=”no” vertical_align=”inherit” divider=”no” back_image=”” back_color=”” back_video=”” video_settings=”” parallax=”” parallax_offset=”” animation=”” animation_back=”” animation_impress=”” el_id=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][bt_row][bt_column width=”1/3″][bt_button text=”MTE Code Summary” icon=”fa_f1c1″ url=”http://surgitech.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/20170125_MTE-Code-summary_HCO-PCO.pdf” target=”_blank” style=”Outline” icon_position=”Right” color=”Accent” size=”Big” width=”Normal” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][/bt_button][/bt_column][bt_column width=”2/3″][bt_button text=”MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice” icon=”fa_f1c1″ url=”http://surgitech.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/MedTech-Europe-Code-of-Ethical-Business-Practice-QA-DG-1.pdf” target=”_blank” style=”Outline” icon_position=”Right” color=”Alternate” size=”Big” width=”Normal” publish_datetime=”” expiry_datetime=”” el_class=”” el_style=”” responsive=””][/bt_button][/bt_column][/bt_row][/bt_section]