What Happens After My Shoulder Surgery?
Directly after shoulder surgery
Rehab begins quickly. When you are back in your hospital room, you’ll begin a gentle rehabilitation program to help relax the muscles around your new shoulder. You may be encouraged to get out of bed and take a few steps, and you’ll continue to receive pain medication as needed.
Questions When Considering Shoulder Surgery
Here are some questions that may be helpful to ask your doctor when considering shoulder surgery. We suggest you print this list and take it with you to your appointment. It’s also a good idea to keep a record of your shoulder pain to share with your doctor at the same time.
Preparing For Shoulder Replacement Surgery
If you and your surgeon decide that total shoulder replacement is right for you, a date will be scheduled for your surgery. Several things may be necessary to prepare for surgery. For example, your surgeon might ask you to have a physical examination by your primary care physician. This will help to ensure that other health problems you may have, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, will be identified and treated before surgery.
What Is Causing My Shoulder Pain?
Your shoulder is a ball-and-socket joint. The ball portion of the joint consists of the rounded head of the upper arm bone (humerus), and the socket portion is made up of a depression (glenoid) in the shoulder blade. The humeral head (ball) fits into the glenoid (socket) creating the joint that allows you to move your shoulder. The joint is surrounded and lined by cartilage, muscles, and tendons that provide support and stability and make it easy for you to move.
Shoulder Pain Relief: Nonsurgical Options
When it comes to relieving shoulder pain, there are many different treatment options. Success varies not only by each individual’s shoulder but also by what’s causing your shoulder pain. Care for arthritis pain, for example, often involves a combination of treatments. Be sure to consult your doctor to discuss the best treatment plan for you.
When Is Shoulder Surgery Not Appropriate?
Even though shoulder surgery may be an effective way to minimize or eliminate shoulder pain, your doctor may decide that shoulder replacement surgery is not appropriate for you. Reasons could include:
What Are The Risks Of Shoulder Surgery?
Every surgical procedure has some risks and benefits. Your individual results will depend on your personal circumstances, and recovery takes time. While there can be no guarantee of success, benefits can include pain relief and return of normal use of the shoulder.
Questions To Ask Before Shoulder Surgery
Here’s a list of questions that may be helpful to ask your doctor before your shoulder surgery. We suggest you print this list and take it with you on your appointment.
How Much Does Shoulder Replacement Surgery Cost?
The cost of a total shoulder implant varies, depending on the type of implant used. Generally, the hospital purchases the implant and includes it as part of the total cost for the surgery. The ultimate cost for shoulder replacement surgery is specific to the hospital where the surgery is performed. Please contact the hospital accounting office to get an estimate of the charges for surgery.
How Is Shoulder Surgery Performed?
Shoulder replacement surgery is the same idea as having worn parts taken out, and new parts installed in their places. In shoulder surgery, the damaged portions of the shoulder bones are removed, and the shoulder is replaced with metal and plastic implants. Here’s what you can expect on a typical day of shoulder surgery:
Tips For When You’re At Home
It’s very important that you follow your surgeon’s instructions. Additionally, here are some suggestions that may make life a little easier at home. Please discuss these with your surgeon before you are discharged from the hospital:
How Soon Can I Get Back To Normal Activities?
In the months following your shoulder surgery, you’ll most likely be advised to take it easy and modify your positioning to keep pressure off of your shoulder. While you are recovering, you should not lift anything with the operative arm. Please consult with your orthopedic surgeon before you begin lifting anything.