
What Are The Risks Of Knee Surgery?

Knee replacements have been highly successful for more than 30 years. According to the US National Institutes of Health, 9 out of 10 patients who undergo the procedure report improved pain relief, knee function, and overall health-related quality of life.1 And because medicine is always developing new materials and procedures, the results continue to get better.


Treating Knee Pain With Surgery

Most people will not need knee surgery, but, in many cases, surgery may be effective in minimizing or eliminating your knee pain when other treatment methods have failed. Many advances have been made, allowing for surgical procedures that are much less invasive. With smaller incisions requiring less cutting of the skin, tissue, and key muscles, such minimally invasive procedures are revolutionizing the way patients experience and recover from surgery, often resulting in less postoperative pain, a faster recovery period, and a shorter hospital stay.


Questions To Ask When Considering Knee Surgery

Here are some questions that may be helpful to ask your doctor when considering knee surgery. We suggest you print this list and take it with you to your appointment. It’s also a good idea to keep a record of your knee pain to share with your doctor at the same time.


Biomaterials and more

As you’d expect, orthopedic implants are very “high tech.” Their designs can be quite complex, and the materials used to make them, called biomaterials, are highly developed. Examples of biomaterials include titanium, cobalt-chrome, polyethylene, and Trabecular Metal™ Material.

In the United States, the FDA requires extensive testing before a new material may be used in an orthopedic implant.


How Is Knee Replacement Surgery Performed?

Knee replacement surgery is the same idea as having most things fixed—worn parts are taken out, and new parts are installed in their places. In knee surgery, the damaged portions of the knee bones are removed, and the knee is resurfaced with metal and plastic implants.


Caring For A Loved One After Replacement Surgery

Caregivers play an essential role in the lives of people having joint replacement surgery. As a caregiver, you can facilitate conversations with the doctor, help make decisions, and lend a hand during the recuperation period. Because caring for someone who has had joint replacement surgery can be taxing on you, it’s important that you don’t forget to take care of yourself during this time, too.


What Can I Do To Help My New Knee Last?

The longevity of prosthetic knees varies from patient to patient. It depends on many factors, including your physical condition, activity level, weight, and the accuracy of the implant placement during surgery. It is useful to keep in mind that prosthetic knee joints are not as strong or durable as a natural, healthy knee joint, and there is no guarantee that your knee replacement will last the rest of your life.


Tips For When You’re At Home

It’s very important that you follow your surgeon’s instructions. Additionally, here are some suggestions that may make life a little easier at home. Please discuss these with your surgeon before you are discharged from the hospital:

  • If you’ll be using a walker or crutches to assist with walking, ask your doctor how much weight you may put on your recovering leg.


Regaining Mobility After Knee Surgery

The following are some ways to help incorporate movement after you’ve had knee replacement surgery. Discuss these techniques with your orthopedist before attempting them. Your physical therapist may modify some of these techniques depending on your particular situation (e.g., age, weight, and procedure). Only do the techniques that are recommended by your surgeon and/or therapist.


Rehab begins quickly

Typically, on the day after your surgery, you’ll get a visit from your physical therapist and begin learning how to use your new knee.

You may be fitted with a “continuous passive motion” machine that will gently straighten and bend your knee. Other exercises that promote blood flow to your legs include ankle pumps and pedaling your feet.

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