
Biomaterials and more

As you’d expect, orthopedic implants are very “high tech.” Their designs can be quite complex, and the materials used to make them, called biomaterials, are highly developed. Examples of biomaterials include titanium, cobalt-chrome, polyethylene, and Trabecular Metal™ material.

There are many different biomaterials, but there’s no single biomaterial that is best for all implants and all patients.


Here’s a list of questions that may be helpful to ask your doctor before your hip surgery. We suggest you print this list and take it with you on your appointment.

  1. What complications may occur with this kind of surgery?
  2. What is the expected recovery time?
  3. How many days will I be in the hospital after surgery?


If you and your surgeon decide that total hip replacement is right for you, a date will be scheduled for your surgery. Several things may be necessary to prepare for surgery. For example, your surgeon might ask you to have a physical examination by your primary care physician. This will help to ensure that other health problems you may have, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, will be identified and treated before surgery.


Hip replacement surgery is similar to having most things fixed—worn parts are taken out, and new parts are installed in their places. In hip surgery, the damaged portions of your hip are removed and replaced with metal and plastic implants.

Hip surgery usually takes two to four hours, although this is dependent upon the severity of the arthritis in your hip.

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SURGI-TECH Egypt is a leading company in the medical field in Middle East established 1990 in Egypt. we treasure dedication and moved to satisfy customers, accepting nothing less than loyalty and are committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity and to assure the quality of the products.

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