About Zimmer Shoulder Products

Your surgeon will choose which shoulder is best for you. Below is a list of the more common Zimmer shoulder products you may hear mentioned:

Anatomical Shoulder™ System

Traditionally, patients undergoing shoulder reconstruction faced two postoperative tasks. First, they had to let the shoulder tissues recover, as would be expected. Then they had to adapt to anatomical changes imposed by a first- or second-generation implant that offered nothing more than an approximate fit.

But with the modular Anatomical Shoulder System, the shoulder implant is tailored to your anatomy. So you get a more advanced rehabilitation and expanded range of motion.

Bigliani/Flatow® – The Complete Shoulder Solution

The Bigliani/Flatow Shoulder Solution allows for the restoration of shoulder joint function in cases of shoulder replacement surgery. Backed by the clinical expertise of surgeons, the Bigliani/Flatow Shoulder Solution is designed to replicate the natural shoulder’s motion, balance, and stability with a multitude of component sizes.

Zimmer Trabecular Metal™ Shoulder Systems:

  • Zimmer Trabecular Metal Reverse Shoulder System
    In cases of lost rotator cuff function due to severe bone and/or connective tissue damage, the Trabecular Metal Reverse Shoulder System offers the technology and versatility to aid in the restoration of normal shoulder function.
  • Zimmer Trabecular Metal Humeral Stem
    The Trabecular Metal Humeral Stem is designed to provide stability to allow your shoulder fracture to heal.

An important component of both the Humeral Stem and Reverse Shoulder Systems is Trabecular Metal Technology, available exclusively from Zimmer. Trabecular Metal Technology is not a coating, like the surface of many shoulder replacements. Rather, it is an advanced, three-dimensional material that closely resembles your body’s natural cancellous (“spongy”) bone. Trabecular Metal Technology, made of Tantalum metal, has a high level of friction to provide immediate stability for the shoulder joint.