
How Is Shoulder Surgery Performed?

Shoulder replacement surgery is the same idea as having worn parts taken out, and new parts installed in their places. In shoulder surgery, the damaged portions of the shoulder bones are removed, and the shoulder is replaced with metal and plastic implants. Here’s what you can expect on a typical day of shoulder surgery:

  • A small tube (intravenous line) is inserted into your unaffected arm.


About Zimmer Shoulder Products

Your surgeon will choose which shoulder is best for you. Below is a list of the more common Zimmer shoulder products you may hear mentioned:

Anatomical Shoulder™ System

Traditionally, patients undergoing shoulder reconstruction faced two postoperative tasks. First, they had to let the shoulder tissues recover, as would be expected.


Tips For When You’re At Home

It’s very important that you follow your surgeon’s instructions. Additionally, here are some suggestions that may make life a little easier at home. Please discuss these with your surgeon before you are discharged from the hospital:

  • Do not use your surgery arm when getting out of bed or up from a chair.


How Soon Can I Get Back To Normal Activities?

In the months following your shoulder surgery, you’ll most likely be advised to take it easy and modify your positioning to keep pressure off of your shoulder. While you are recovering, you should not lift anything with the  operative arm. Please consult with your orthopedic surgeon before you begin lifting anything.

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SURGI-TECH Egypt is a leading company in the medical field in Middle East established 1990 in Egypt. we treasure dedication and moved to satisfy customers, accepting nothing less than loyalty and are committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity and to assure the quality of the products.

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